One Winter's Night Page 9
She nodded, swallowing deeply and wondering if she would need something stronger to get her through the evening. “I’m sure I will.”
Pierre left them and within minutes was back to pour their wine. “I’ll give you time to look at the menu,” he said, easing from the room and leaving them alone.
Alpha glanced down at the menu. “Everything looks good, Riley. What do you recommend?”
“About you or what’s on the menu?” he asked with a flirty wink at her.
She gave him an admonishing smile, wondering if this was how it would be for the rest of the night. “The menu, Riley.”
He smiled. “In that case I would recommend the…”
She listened while he rattled off a number of dishes, pronouncing each in a deep French accent that stirred her nerve endings. She gazed deep into the eyes staring back at her. In the depths of his dark gaze was a promise of what would come later. A hot, lusty night filled with pleasure. And heaven help her, she was looking forward to it.
“So what do you think, Alpha?”
She knew he was asking about the menu and the dishes he’d just told her about, but though she had heard, she hadn’t listened. “I’ll let you decide.”
He nodded and gave her a smile, one that told her he knew why she was taking the easy way out. Pierre returned with the wine and poured some into their glasses and then took their orders. When he left, Alpha glanced around.
The room was small and intimate. They had been given a table with a view of Pikes Peak, and it was breathtaking. Music was flowing into the room through hidden speakers, and the tunes were romantic. She hadn’t realized how secluded the room was until she recalled walking through the restaurant to get to it. Not only did the fire blazing in the fireplace provide warmth, but it also set an intimate tone. On the drive over, she’d tried bringing him up to date on the party plans, but Riley had reached out, touched her hand and said tonight was not about the party but about them.
“This is a nice room,” she said.
“I’m glad you like it. So tell me, Alpha. Do you ski?”
* * *
Why was he asking her that? Riley immediately wondered. It had to be for the purpose of conversation, nothing more. The inquiry certainly couldn’t have anything to do with his ski trip to Aspen in January since their affair would have ended by then.
“No, I don’t ski.”
He wasn’t surprised. “Would you like to learn how?”
She shook her head. “That would mean being out in not just cold weather but super cold weather, so I’ll pass.”
He should let it go, but couldn’t. “What if I promised to keep you warm?”
She chuckled. “I don’t think you can keep me that warm, Riley.”
“But if I could?” he inquired further, taking a sip of his wine.
“You can’t.”
He didn’t say anything but, deep down, he saw it as a challenge. He held her gaze. “We’ll see.”
She tilted her head and looked at him. “Tell me. What do you get out of skiing? I heard it’s not really a form of exercise.”
He watched her take a sip of her wine. The way she closed her lips around the mouth of the glass sent flutters off in his stomach. “Not true. Any time you use muscles you don’t normally use, you’re exercising.”
He took a sip of his wine as he told her about the first time he’d put on a pair of skis. “I was all but seven and my father and uncle took their sons on a ski trip for the sole purpose of providing us with professional ski lessons.”
He chuckled. “I guess they knew their sons and figured if they didn’t make sure we were taught by a professional then we would learn the wrong way and risk our lives. Being on the slopes with my family was special to me and I consider those memories some of the best ones of my childhood. Maybe that’s why I enjoy skiing so much.”
He saw the wistful look that shone in her eyes, so he added, “I’m sure you and your sister did things with your family that you hold as special memories, too.”
She shifted her gaze from his to pick up her glass of wine. “Yes, of course.”
Not for the first time, he thought she was deliberately not sharing information about her family. It shouldn’t bother him, but it did, mainly because he didn’t have any problem telling her about his family. The only thing he knew about her parents was that they had wanted her to go into veterinary medicine but had accepted her decision to change careers. She seldom mentioned anything about her sister, and he could only assume the two were not close. And he was still curious about the ring that used to be on her finger. He was about to question her on the topic when Pierre returned with their appetizers.
Pierre, efficient as ever, was in and out in no time, leaving them alone once again with a basket of hot buttered rolls, a platter of imported French escargots sautéed in a creamy, garlic butter sauce and steamed artichoke. He’d even taken the time to refill their wineglasses before breezing out.
Riley glanced over at Alpha. He should have used the time during Pierre’s interruption to rethink pursuing his interest in the man who’d put a ring on her finger, as well as the reason she didn’t talk much about her family, but he didn’t. For some reason, he felt the need to address it. “Can I ask you something?”
She was reaching for an escargot and glanced over at him with a smile. “Just as long as what you want to ask has nothing to do with these. They look delicious.”
He chuckled. “Not at all, please help yourself,” he said, glad she was enjoying his choice in foods.
“Okay, then, ask away.”
“I have two questions, really. I noticed you used to wear a ring. Were you married before?”
Her hands stilled. “Does it matter?”
He held her gaze and shook his head. “No. I’m just curious.”
“No, I’ve never been married, but up until a year ago I was engaged.”
“What happened?” he asked, as if he had every right to know.
She didn’t say anything for a minute and then, “It was decided that marriage wasn’t the right move for us after all.”
She was being somewhat evasive so he couldn’t help wondering who had made that decision. The guy? Her? Had it been mutual? Why did he care? It didn’t matter, and he only cared if she’d gotten hurt by the decision. But, in a way, he was glad the marriage didn’t take place because if it had she wouldn’t be here with him tonight.
“And your second question?” she asked, returning to eating.
He smiled. She was letting him know there wouldn’t be any further discussion on the first question. “Why don’t you like talking about your family?” Her hands stilled again, and he could tell she was about to freeze up on him, but he refused to let her do that.
“I told you about my family, Riley.”
“Not enough.”
“I told you my parents were veterinarians in Daytona and that I have a sister.”
“Is she still alive?”
She lifted a brow. “Who?”
“Your sister.”
“Yes. Why do you ask?”
He shrugged. “Because you never talk about her. Where does she live? Is she married? Does she have any kids?”
Something, he wasn’t sure what, flashed in her eyes before she lowered her head to slowly bite into an escargot. “Omega lives in Paris. She’s married to a wonderful man and they are trying real hard to start a family.”
“Are the two of you close?”
“Yes, very close. As close as any two sisters can be.”
His curiosity had been appeased. He decided that, in the future, the subjects of her ex-fiancé and her family were closed unless she brought them up. “You like that?” he asked, motioning to the escargot she had gone back to eating. He was getting turned on as he watched her chew a few times and then lick her lips.
“Yes, it’s delicious.”
A trickle of butter was running down her chin. “Come here and lean close,” he told her, picking up his napkin t
o wipe away the butter. But when she leaned in toward him, he changed his mind and swiped the butter from her chin with the tip of his tongue.
“There,” he said huskily. As he drew back, he met the surprised look in her eyes and smiled. “It’s all gone now.”
“Thanks,” she murmured softly, drawing back in her chair.
“Anytime. I like the way you taste,” he responded huskily.
She took a sip of her wine. “It was the butter.”
A doubtful smile curved his lips. “Umm, the butter tasted good but you tasted better. Makes me anxious to taste you all over later.”
Riley watched as a blush touched her cheeks and she took another sip of her wine. “Don’t drink too much of that, baby. I want your mind completely functional for later.”
* * *
“Will that be all, Mr. Westmoreland?” Pierre asked after he and another waiter finished clearing the table. He had already asked if either Riley or Alpha wanted dessert and they had both declined.
“No, Pierre, that will be all. Just make sure we aren’t disturbed for the remainder of the evening.”
“Yes, sir.” The older man quickly left with the other waiter trailing behind him.
No sooner had the door closed than Alpha swore she heard the distinct sound of a lock clicking in place, and Riley turned his full attention to her. His dark, piercing eyes held her within their scope and she all but squirmed in her seat, feeling sexual currents flow from him. Suddenly, an electrical charge seemed to vibrate through the air causing blood to rush through her veins.
Blood was rushing through another area of her body, as well, the one located at the juncture of her thighs, which made her cross her legs. She drew in a slow breath when he stood and rounded the table. Holding out his hand, he said, in what sounded like a deep, husky growl, “Dance with me.”
Alpha felt her stomach quiver with each word he said. Earlier, she had heard music flowing into the room but the sound had been rather faint. At that moment, as if on cue, the volume increased. She slipped her hand into his, feeling his heat immediately. Uncrossing her legs, she eased from her chair and he gently pulled her into his arms, right smack against his hard, masculine body.
The song being played was perfect, just the right tempo for the way their bodies melded together as they swayed to the lyrics and melody. With her hand on his shoulder and her head lying on his chest, she could feel the rapid beat of his heart, which was somehow keeping time with hers. Being this close to him, bodies locked as tightly as they could be, stirred something elemental in her blood and reminded her of just how potent the chemistry was between them.
Pressed against him, she felt every inch of his lean strength. And when his hips moved, so did hers, slowly, methodically, magnetically. Heat sizzled through all parts of her when she felt his hard erection against her middle. The pressure triggered her nipples to harden. An ache began in her loins and branched upward, filling her with an indescribable hunger, a sexual need she didn’t know she was capable of feeling.
“You okay?”
The sound of his voice ignited rampant sensations within her. She raised her eyes to his and inwardly moaned when she connected to the dark depths. “Yes, I’m okay.” But barely, she held off saying. Never before had dancing with a man caused this much havoc on her emotions. Never had it driven her to want things she’d never wanted before.
They continued to gaze into each other’s eyes as they swayed to the music. When one song moved to another, they stood in the same spot, feet firmly planted, bodies barely moving while his hand spanned her backside, making a slow ache throb there. She reveled in the feel of him holding her in his arms.
When she couldn’t take looking into his eyes any longer, she placed her head on his chest again. The heat from his gaze was unnerving her, making it hard for her to breathe. What was there about him that made her not want to fight the heat but to wallow in it? She wanted tonight. She needed tonight—and all the nights he wanted to give her…for six weeks. And when it was over, it would be over. Final, with no regrets, no worrying about a lost love that should last forever or a love that never was. She was going into this affair with her eyes wide open. She was not the naive woman who’d thought she was the luckiest female on earth when Edward Swisher, of the prestigious Daytona Swishers, had asked her out. She had learned her lesson. She should have learned it with LeBron. But it had taken Eddie to make her vow never to give her heart to another man.
The song melded into another and they continued dancing. He tightened his arms around her and held her closer. Her breath caught each and every time he would deliberately slide his leg between hers, letting her feel the length of him through his pants. She could feel her panties getting wet with each moment of contact.
Almost overwhelmed in desire, she tilted her head back, met the dark, penetrating gaze staring down at her and asked, “What are you doing to me?”
He didn’t even pretend not to know what she was asking. “Prepping you for later.”
Who needed to be prepped? She opened her mouth to ask him that very thing when he lowered his mouth to hers, slid his tongue inside and proceeded to kiss her in a way that sent powerful surges through her. He began toying with her tongue, feasting on it like a hungry man getting his last meal.
She was just as greedy when she tightened her arms around him while they devoured each other’s mouths. Nothing else mattered at that moment. It meant nothing to her that they were in a public place and there were people on the other side of that door having dinner. Nor did it matter that Pierre and that other waiter probably had a good idea what she and Riley were doing in here. All that mattered at the moment was the way he was kissing her, stirring a need within her that was nearly making her lose it.
Riley pulled his mouth back, and she was able to draw in a much-needed breath. He was able to do the same and rested his forehead against hers.
“Baby, I should be the one asking what you are doing to me,” he whispered softly against her lips that were still moist from their kiss. “All I want to do at this moment is put you on that table and spread you wide and take you like I’ve been dreaming of doing for the past couple of weeks.”
Her heartbeat kicked up a notch, knowing he wanted her as much as she wanted him. She refused to play games about this. She wanted to experience it all, and she wanted to experience it with him. She wanted several nights of hot, mind-blowing sex with no strings attached and no guilty conscience to deal with afterward.
She would go into the affair as the consenting and mature adult she was. She was the one paying the bills on Noble Lane, and what she did there was nobody’s business, certainly not her parents’, who lived thousands of miles away. They would frown upon an affair between her and anyone. Her father was hoping that she and Eddie would get back together even if it meant she would have to cut ties with her twin sister to do so.
“Are you ready for me to take you home?”
His question gave her pause. Now would be the perfect time, if she wanted to change her mind about anything they planned to do later. But her mind was made up, and she wasn’t changing it. “Yes, I’m ready.”
He pulled back slightly and looked at her, those dark eyes locked with hers, refusing to look away, as if her very soul was laid out for him to read like a book. “Are you sure you’re ready, Alpha? I intend for it to be one hell of a night.”
And she was counting on just that. She nodded, deciding right then and there to shed her inhibitions once and for all. She countered his question with one of her own. “Maybe I should be asking you the same thing, Riley. Are you sure you’re ready?”
He reached down, took her hand and led it to the crotch of his pants. “What does that tell you?”
Oh, he was ready all right. What he’d done by letting her touch him was a bold move, one Eddie would never have taken. Eddie would never have encouraged her to cop a feel. And since Riley put her hand there, she saw no reason to move it…at least not yet. She was simply amazed ho
w large he felt behind his zipper. She moved her hand around to take in the length, shape and feel of him.
“If you keep it up, Alpha, I just might be tempted to take you here and now.”
Something, she wasn’t sure what, drove her to utter her next words. “Do it.”
“What did you say?” he asked, his voice deep and throaty, his eyes steady, mesmerizing and hungry.
She could play it off and pretend she hadn’t said anything. But she didn’t want to do that. What would be the point? She wanted Riley, and she wanted him now.
Alpha leaned in close to him and whispered, “I said, do it. Do it now.”
She could tell from the way his breathing changed that he got the message. “Then take it out,” he whispered against her lips. “You want it, then go in and get it, baby.”
Her heartbeat kicked up another notch. His gaze held hers as she slowly eased down his zipper and then reached inside the opening. She tried releasing him but found his briefs to be in the way.
After a few failed efforts, he asked, “Need help?”
She didn’t see amusement in his gaze, just gut-wrenching need. “Yes. Please.”
He took one step back, and she watched as he pulled himself out of his pants. She sucked in a deep breath when she saw him and her mouth nearly dropped open. He was huge and had a condom in hand.
“Don’t tempt me with an open mouth, baby,” he said, easing on protection.
She closed it, and before she could think about anything, he moved back toward her. “Now lift up your skirt for me, Alpha.”
She slowly inched up her skirt, giving him a view of her silk thigh-high stockings and lacy black panties. She wasn’t sure what he’d planned to do next, but she hadn’t expected him to reach out and tug her panties past her knees and down her legs.
“That’s what I want to see,” he said, staring at the throbbing flesh her panties had been hiding. “It’s just like I thought it would be. You look beautiful there, and your color is natural.”