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One Winter's Night Page 3
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Page 3
He chuckled. “Tony not only embraces change, but he’s implemented a few precedents. Such as convincing our school board to add a culinary class to their high school curriculum and then giving students jobs to gain firsthand experiences while getting class credits.”
“Smart move.”
Riley smiled. “We thought so.”
She glanced back at her menu. “So what else would you suggest other than my usual burger and fries?”
“Umm, you can’t go wrong with their chicken. It’s covered with the best gravy you can eat and comes with mouthwatering scalloped potatoes and hot buttered yeast rolls.”
She couldn’t help frowning. “That sounds like a lot of food.”
“It is, but if the forecasters are right, you might be snowed in for the next day or two and leftovers would come in handy.”
Was that excitement she heard in his voice? “You really do like it, don’t you?”
“Like what?”
He glanced over at her, and the moment he did so she felt a zing in the pit of her stomach. Why was her body reacting so much to him? She was twenty-seven and knew all about chemistry between a man and a woman, but she’d never in her life experienced anything so potent. “The cold weather. I thought you were teasing about liking it, but apparently you weren’t. Here I was, all bundled up like I was living at the North Pole, and you were wearing a lightweight jacket as if you could barely feel the cold.”
He shrugged, and she couldn’t help but admire the undulating movement of his shoulders beneath his shirt. “I guess I’m immune. I’ve been here all my life and was told I was born during one of Denver’s worst snowstorms. I’ve always enjoyed playing in the snow.”
He chuckled and the sound floated around the room with such a rich octave it made Alpha draw in a charged breath. “February is my favorite month because that’s usually when Denver is the coldest.”
Riley leaned back in his chair and her gaze was drawn to his hands. For a quick second, she recalled how those hands had felt when he’d picked her up and carried her into the restaurant. She had felt the warmth of them through the thickness of her clothes.
“Today is nothing compared to how things will get later on,” he said, breaking into her thoughts. “Surely you understood what you were doing when you traded sunny Florida for Denver?”
Alpha drew in a deep breath. No, she hadn’t fully understood. The only thing she’d known was that she needed to put as much distance between her, Eddie and her parents as she could. “I didn’t expect it to be this cold so soon. I figured I would prepare myself for January and February, but it’s still November.”
“Yes, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Are you going back south for turkey and dressing?”
Not on her life. “No. I plan on spending Thanksgiving here since I have a couple of projects during that time.” And they were projects she could have gotten out of doing had she wanted to, but she hadn’t.
The waiter returned to take their orders, and she was glad for the interruption. She was getting too comfortable with Riley and had to admit that he made such a thing easy. He came across as a nice guy. Down-to-earth. A real gentleman, respectful. It was nice to know that for some men, sex wasn’t the only thing on their minds.
Riley shifted in his seat, thinking that if Alpha knew all the things that were going through his mind, she would think he was as low as low could go. He had met her less than two hours ago and all he could think about was jumping her bones. No, jumping her bones was too quick and raunchy. He would love easing between those legs and then…
When he heard the sound of her lightly clearing her throat, he realized the waiter standing beside him had poured cups of coffee and was waiting to take his order. He glanced up at the waiter. George. The seventy-something man had worked at McKay’s for ages and had waited on him plenty of times before with many of his other dates. Was that a smirk on George’s face because the old man had finally caught him being taken with a woman?
“And what can I get for you, Mr. Westmoreland?”
“The usual, George.”
“All right,” George said, taking the menu from Riley.
Riley glanced over at Alpha and saw she was absorbed in the beauty of the mountains that could be seen through the windows. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked, studying her more so than the mountains he’d seen all his life.
Sitting this close to her, he could see just how beautiful, how stunning, she was. That wasn’t a good thing. How was he supposed to concentrate on whatever presentation she was giving when he wanted to concentrate on her?
She broke eye contact while reaching for her coffee to take a sip and he did likewise. “So, other than the cold weather, how do you enjoy living in Denver so far?” he asked her.
“I like it. I’m grateful that the people here have been so kind. I didn’t expect my business to take off like it has.”
“I understand your work speaks for itself. My sister-in-law was definitely impressed.”
She smiled. “Pam is super nice.”
Their conversation was interrupted when George returned with their appetizers, still wearing that smirk on his face.
* * *
Alpha drew in a deep breath. She had done presentations quite a few times and knew there wasn’t a shy bone in her body, but standing in front of Riley had butterflies floating around in her stomach.
She looked over at him to find him looking back at her. She forced a smile. “I promise to have you out in fifteen minutes.”
“Take your time.”
He would say that, she thought. Their waiter had cleared the table and filled their cups.
“The first thing we need to decide on is a theme for that night. These are the ones I came up with while trying to stay away from holiday themes. Because of diversity in the workplace, the last thing you want to do is offend anyone.”
“So what do you suggest?” he asked her.
“A winter theme always works. These are a few that I’ve come up with,” she said, clicking the remote in her hand to bring the screen alive. “As you can see, I have Winter Wonderland, Winter Delight, One Winter’s Night and Winter Around the World.”
She watched him study each suggestion. He shifted his eyes back to her, and she felt her stomach stir from the intensity of his gaze. “What’s your favorite?”
“It’s really your decision.”
He nodded. “I know, but which one do you like the best?”
She glanced up at the screen. “Based on the fact that this year there will be a nighttime party in the ballroom of the Pavilion Hotel, instead of the daytime party you usually hold at the office, I like One Winter’s Night. There’s a sort of magical ring. I like it.”
A smile curved his lips. “So do I. Let’s go with it.”
Alpha nodded, excited that he’d liked the same theme that she did. “All right. And as far as the ballroom at the Pavilion Hotel, I took a tour a few days ago. It will hold up to two thousand people,” she said, showing an aerial view of the huge hotel, which was located midway between downtown and the airport.
“And it’s a definite we have it for that night?”
“Yes,” she said, smiling. “They were happy to accommodate us. The Westmoreland name carries a lot of weight.”
Deciding to move on to the next point, she said, “I thought it would be nice to set the mood by having it be a dressy affair.”
He lifted a brow. “How dressy?”
“Black tie.” At the grimace on his face, she smiled and quickly said, “Not as bad as all that, Riley. I think your employees will appreciate it. It will make them feel special. Other than your family’s annual charity ball, your employees probably never have anyplace to go where they can dress up and feel as if they’re stepping out on the town.”
He nodded slowly, and she knew he was thinking about the idea. She just wished she didn’t feel that sexual chemistry between them even wh
ile discussing business. “Let’s table that for at least a week,” he suggested.
“All right,” she said. “But I’ll need a decision on the attire in order to determine what sort of decorations will be appropriate.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Last but not least,” she said, switching off the screen, “is the discussion of the budget. That handout I’ve given you breaks everything down. I inflated the expenses to allow for decorations. I’d rather operate on the high end versus a low one.”
She paused a moment and then said, “Those are all of my ideas and suggestions. Is there anything you want to add or change?”
He shook his head. “No, I think you did a thorough job explaining things.”
“Thank you,” she said, crossing the room to place the remote near the television screen. That’s when she dropped her ink pen and leaned down to pick it up.
* * *
For the second time that day Riley was slapped with a case of lust so thick he wondered how in the hell he was going to stand without giving away his body’s reaction. She had leaned down to pick up her pen, and the way the material of her dress stretched snug across that gorgeous backside, he’d almost swallowed his tongue. Drawing in a deep breath, he used his hand to wipe away the perspiration forming on his forehead.
“Need help with anything?”
“No, thanks,” she said, flicking a quick glance in his direction before returning to what she was doing. He continued to sit there, almost willing her to glance back at him, hold his gaze, feel his heat and not deny the potent chemistry flowing between them.
At that moment, he made a decision. “We’ll need to meet again next week, after I’ve reached a decision about the attire for the event.”
He knew she was probably wondering why they needed to meet to discuss that when it was something they could cover over the phone. Instead of questioning him about anything, though, she simply said, “That’s fine. Do you know when and where?”
“I’ll call you.”
She met his gaze and held it. He knew at that moment that if she hadn’t felt the strong undercurrents flowing between them before, she did now. “All right.”
Now that was where he disagreed with her. It wasn’t all right, but he didn’t know a way to change the path he seemed determined to take where she was concerned.
He watched as she re-dressed in her two heavy sweaters, scarf, huge overcoat and gloves. Was all that necessary? Evidently to her they were. If she wanted to stay warm the best thing she needed was body heat. Namely, his.
“I’m ready to go.”
Glad he had gotten his body under control and that there was no sign of the lust that had overtaken it earlier, he stood. “Do I need to carry you out?” he teased.
Her eyes rounded and it amused him that she’d assumed he was serious. “No, and I’m sorry you felt the need to do so before. I’m usually not clumsy,” she said apologetically.
“You weren’t clumsy, Alpha. You aren’t used to walking on icy, slippery surfaces and that’s understandable. Will you do me a favor?”
She tilted up her head to look at him. “What?”
“Stop apologizing. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Doing that must drive your boyfriend crazy,” he said, deliberately fishing for information.
“I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Oh.” He placed his hand in the center of her back as he led her out of the room. So she didn’t have a boyfriend. Hmm.
* * *
An hour or so later Alpha entered her home and immediately shrugged off her heavy coat and began peeling off her sweaters and gloves. It was then that she missed her scarf and figured she must have left it in Riley’s truck.
During their ride back to her car she’d noticed he no longer seemed to be on guard with her, the way he had been at the restaurant earlier, and she took advantage by keeping the conversation going about the holiday party—One Winter’s Night. The more she talked about it the more excited she got.
Once they reached her car, she saw her tire was fixed and her car keys were back where she’d left them. He wouldn’t accept any money for having her tire taken care of, so she thanked him for lunch. After assuring him she would follow up with him in a week to discuss the attire for the party, she hurried off to her car. He had sat in his truck, watching her drive off.
Now she was home, inside the house she’d fallen in love with the first time she’d seen it. The last house in the cul-de-sac of a street where all the backyards faced the mountains, it was smaller than her place in Daytona but she’d always thought her condo on the beach had been too large for her anyway. Now she didn’t have any wasted space, and the windows facing her backyard provided a gorgeous view of the mountains. However, there were days she missed the beach, until she remembered she had given up the beach for a reason.
Sitting down on the sofa, she began removing her boots. The first thing she’d done after buying the house was carpet the majority of the tile floors. The thought of getting out of bed and letting her feet touch cold tile had sent chills up her body. Other than that she hadn’t changed a thing. Definitely not the extensive woodwork trim or the custom cabinets.
Moments later, taking her shoes in her hand, she walked in bare feet to her bedroom while thinking about what had driven her here to Denver.
Eddie Swisher.
At one time, she had thought he was everything she had wanted in a man. In the end, she’d discovered he was nothing more than a puppet with his parents pulling the strings. She would never forget the day, a mere week before her wedding, when he had shown up at her place and dropped the bomb. A family meeting had been called and his family had voted. It had been decided that he couldn’t marry her unless she vowed to disown Omega, her twin sister—the former porn star. After all, he had pointed out, her own parents had turned their backs on Omega. He couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t do the same. It had meant nothing to him that Omega was no longer in the business or that she had met a man who’d adored her regardless of her past. It was a past her parents and Eddie just couldn’t get beyond.
At least he hadn’t stooped to the same level as LeBron Roberts, the guy she’d dated before Eddie. When LeBron had learned of her twin’s occupation, he’d assumed Alpha would miraculously transform into Omega in the bedroom. When she had dashed those hopes, he hadn’t wasted any time in dropping her.
Her thoughts shifted back to Riley. He was a fine specimen of a man, definitely a threat to the peace she was trying to find. It didn’t take much for her to remember those beautiful dark eyes, long lashes and the way his jaw curved whenever he smiled. She’d never been drawn to any male with such intensity. He took the word sexy to all new heights. She had been attracted to LeBron and Eddie but not to the same degree. It was something about his voice, the way he looked at her, his entire presence that made her think of long winter nights—with him.
She tossed the hair from her face, thinking she had truly gotten her drool-on today, whether he knew it or not. And it was best that he didn’t know since it couldn’t lead anywhere. She had definitely learned her lesson. When her relationship with Eddie ended she had vowed not to get seriously involved with another man. It wasn’t worth the pain and hassle.
She dropped her boots in the closet and, leaving her bedroom, moved on to her family room. It was small and cozy. At the moment, she wanted cozy. She would curl up on her sofa and find something interesting on television. Or better yet, she could just relive her time with Riley. For just a little while, she would wallow in fantasies and then, later, she would get up and try getting some work done.
* * *
Riley sat on the sofa in his living room in front of his fireplace, drinking a cold beer while replaying in his mind his encounter with Alpha. Now that he had satisfied his curiosity about her, knew she was competent and could handle what Dillon had hired her to do, he could easily delegate any one of his supervisors
to work with her. But he didn’t want to do that, and for the life of him he couldn’t understand why, especially when it was obvious the woman posed a lot of problems for him.
He knew that she had the ability to drive any man to distraction, which was the last thing he needed. No other woman had been capable of doing such a thing to him, but after meeting her today, he believed that she could, physically and mentally. The thought that he was even considering mixing business with pleasure was the first sign that he had messed up somewhere. He’d allowed her to get under his skin. But with single-minded determination, he intended to get her out.
He had learned his lesson by watching how obsessed his youngest brother, Bane, had been with Crystal Newsome and the heartbreak Bane had suffered when the teenage lovers had been forced apart.
Riley released a deep sigh. Bane had been the last child born to his parents, and everyone had assumed Bane would be a girl, the daughter their parents didn’t have. Things didn’t turn out that way. They’d gotten Bane. Personally, Riley had been happy about it. Who wanted a sister anyway? He had his girl cousins, Megan and Gemma, and as far as he was concerned, they were enough. So he’d become Bane’s protector while growing up, or at least he’d tried. But he hadn’t been able to foresee the pain Bane would suffer when, at eighteen, he fell in love with sixteen-year-old Crystal. Her parents had been against the match from the start and had separated the teens by sending Crystal away to parts unknown.
Riley would never forget that day for as long as he lived. A heartbroken Bane had ridden his horse out alone. When he hadn’t returned at a reasonable hour, Dillon had gotten worried and sent Riley looking for him.
He had found Bane in an old abandoned shack that had been on the Westmoreland property for years. The moment Riley had entered the place he’d known it had been Crystal and Bane’s love nest. But what had really gripped Riley’s insides was the sound of Bane howling like a tormented and wounded animal.